Listening to My Ever Changing Moods by Style Council and remembering that Keith once told me how much he loved this song. It was one of those moments in our friendship when I realized how much we have in common, as this was one of my favorite songs back in the 80s.
As you probably know, Keith was also an avid fan of finding new music (often on KCRW), and once chided me for "being stuck in the 80s" even though I found almost as much new music as he did.
Which also reminds me of a time, shortly before he passed away, when we were driving through the canyon in his new Saab, and he had KCRW playing on the car radio. He said his car had an internet connection and he was streaming music over the air. I was blown away, thinking I knew all the latest technology, when he started laughing in that Keith way and telling me it was actually playing through his iPod. As usual, Keith got the last laugh!
just thinking about Keith has it really been 7 years without him?
There is no day that I don't think about him . 😞
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